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    Thursday, December 12, 2024

      Earth Like Exoplanet Found Orbiting a Sun Like Star a Little Over 3,000 Light Years Away : Study Said | 2YODO


      Astronomers may have discovered an Earth-like exoplanet orbiting a Sun-like star, a little over 3,000 light-years away.

      The planet named ‘Planet KOI-456.04’,

      The unconfirm exoplanet is consider to be similar to Earth for several reasons.

      It is said to have a similar distance between its sun Kepler-160 with an orbit that takes it 378 days to complete.

      It also thought to receive 93 percent as much light as Earth gets from the Sun.

      That when combine with the fact Kepler-160 is consider to be very similar to our own sun in terms of mass and radius,

      Leads scientists to believe they may have found an Earth-like planet in the solar vicinity that has the potential to sustain life.

      Most exoplanet discoveries thus far have been around red dwarf stars,

      Which for several reasons would be improbable hosts to habitable planets, including the fact they can emit high-energy flares and radiation that would make it difficult for life to survive.

      According to a research paper published in Astronomy and Astrophysics journal last week,

      Planet KOI-456.04 appears to be the fourth planet orbiting the Kepler-160 star.

      Planet KOI-456.04 was discover after examining old data collect by NASA’s exoplanet-finding Kepler mission with new algorithms to study the star’s (Kepler-160) brightness, a study led by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), along with researchers from University of California Santa Cruz as well as NASA.

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      As an MIT Technology Review report notes,

      Exoplanets are found after looking for stellar transits ascertained by observing periodic dips in stellar brightness as an object passes in front of the star.

      This method was use to find the other two confirm exoplanets (Kepler-160b and Kepler-160c) in the Kepler-160 system,

      It is best use for discovering planets that orbit red dwarfs,

      Which are less bright than our own sun and Kepler-160 – both main sequence stars that are yellow dwarfs.

      Compared to red dwarfs, main sequence yellow dwarf stars are more suitable to sustain life.

      KOI-456.04 is call as to be the fourth planet orbiting Kepler-160, with the third call as Kepler-160d.

      It was confirm indirectly by the same study,

      As it was not seen to transit the light curve of the star.

      Dr. René Heller,

      The lead author.

      said :

      “Our analysis suggests that Kepler-160 is orbit not by two but by a total of four planets,”

      As the MPS statement reads, Kepler-160 was studied for four years by the Kepler mission thanks to its similarity to the Sun, with a “radius of 1.1 solar radii,

      Its surface temperature of 5200 degrees Celsius (300 degrees less than the Sun), and its very Sun-like stellar luminosity.”

      New method was attempt to find exoplanets in the system that measures dimming on a more gradual level than periodic dips in brightness.

      The researchers used a detailed physical model of the stellar brightness variation, instead of a ‘box-like approximation’.

      Dr. René Heller,

      The lead author.

      said :

      “Our improvement is particularly important in the search for small, Earth-sized planets.

      The planetary signal is so faint that it’s almost entirely hide in the noise of the data. Our new search mask is slightly better in separating a true exoplanetary signal from the noise in the critical cases,”

      Scientists now have a new candidate that is said to be less than twice Earth’s size (1.9 Earth radii) and suitable to sustain life thanks to its location in the stellar habitable zone.

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      MPS statement : 

      “Given its Sun-like host star, the very Earth-like orbital period results in a very Earth-like insolation from the star both in terms of the amount of the light received and in terms of the light colour.

      Light from Kepler-160 is visible light very much like sunlight.

      All things considered, KOI-456.04 sits in a region of the stellar habitable zone the distance range around a star admitting liquid surface water on an Earth-like planet that is comparable to the Earth’s position around the Sun,”

      As with other exoplanets, more observations are require to confirm the candidate find is indeed a planet requiring a certainty of 99 percent.

      Currently, researchers claim it is 85 percent probable that KOI-456.04 is an actual planet, and are hopeful for confirmation from direct observations by two upcoming space telescopes NASA’s James Webb and ESA’s PLATO.


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