When you create or upload a document on Google Drive, Google makes you the sole owner and editor of the doc. What if you wish to transfer the ownership of your doc to someone else to make it easy for them to edit or share it.
How to Change owner of a Google Doc
Follow These Steps :
- Open the home screen for Google Docs.
- Go to that document you want to transfer the ownership.
- Click the Share button at the top right side of the screen.
- Type the name or email id of the person you want to share the document.
- Click Share.
- For changing the owner go back to the Share option.
- Click the down arrow available right next to the name of the person.
- Click Make Owner.
- Then click Yes
- Tab Done.
Google Doc Roles
Sole Owner of a Google Doc can edit, share, delete, remove access for editors and viewers and even invite others to edit or view it, and Editor of a Google Doc can only edit and see the list of editors and viewers.
Viewer of a Google Doc can only read it and Commenter has the right to only add comments.
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