Hyperloop is a new mode of ground transport which is develop by a number of companies. The Hyperloop can travel at over 700 miles an hour in floating pod which races along inside giant low-pressure tubes, either above or below ground.
What is Hyperloop?
A Hyperloop is a high-speed mass transportation system for both passenger and freight transport.
The term Hyperloop was invent to describe the modern open-source project.
Hyperloop is describe as a sealed tube or system of tubes with low air pressure through which a pod may travel substantially free of air resistance or friction.
The Hyperloop could potentially move people or objects at airline speeds while being energy efficient compare with existing high-speed rail systems.
This may reduce travel times compare to train and airplane travel over distances of under approximately 1,500 kilometres.
What makes Hyperloop different from others mode of Transport?
The main differences between Hyperloop and traditional goods rail the pods carrying passengers travel through tubes or tunnels from which most of the air has been remove to reduce friction.
This can allow the pods to travel at up to 750 miles per hour.
Rather than using wheels like a train or car the pods are design to float on air skis by using the same basic idea as an air hockey table or use magnetic levitation to reduce friction.
What are the benefits of Hyperloop Concept?
Hyperloop could be cheaper and faster than train or car travel and cheaper and less polluting than air travel.
Inventors claim that it’s also quicker and cheaper to build than traditional high-speed rail.
Hyperloop could be use to take the pressure off gridlocked roads, making travel between cities easier, and potentially unlocking major economic benefits.
When first Hyperloops going to be Launch?
Many different companies are working to turn the idea into a functioning commercial system.
Hyperloop technology is still in development even though the basic concept has been around for many years.
The earliest any Hyperloop is likely to be up and running is 2020 but most services are expect to be later, as trials of the technology are still in their early stages.
Where will Hyperloop Run?
It’s still not clear where Hyperloops will actually be establishe but a number of companies have sketch out routes in the US, Europe.
Potential routes include New York to Washington DC, Pune to Mumbai and other many more.
History of Hyperloop.
Hyperloop idea of using low-pressure or vacuum tubes as part of a transport system has a long time ago.
The Crystal Palace pneumatic railway use air pressure to push a wagon uphill way back in Victorian south London in 1864.
Similar systems using pneumatic tubes to send mail and packages between buildings have been in use since the late nineteenth century and can still be seen in supermarkets and banks to move money around.
One clear predecessor of the Hyperloop is the ‘vactrain’ concept develop by Robert Goddard early in the twentieth century; since then, many similar ideas have been propose without much success.
Elon Musk reignited interest in the concept with his ‘Hyperloop Alpha’ paper in August 2013, which set out how a modern system would work and how much it would cost.
What is Hyperloop Alpha?
Elon Musk set out the case for a service running between Los Angeles and San Francisco, which would be cheaper and faster than a propose high-speed rail link.
Elon Musk argued that his Hyperloop could be safer, faster, more affordable, weather-proof, self-powering and less disruptive to people living along the route.
Mr. Elon Musk said that a Hyperloop service could be the answer to travel between cities less than about 1500 km or 900 miles and beyond that a supersonic air travel would be more efficient.
How does a Hyperloop Tube Work?
The basic idea of Hyperloop is that the passenger pods or capsules travel through a tube, either above or below ground.
To reduce friction most but not all of the air is remove from the tubes by pumps.
Overcoming air resistance is one of the biggest uses of energy in high speed travel.
Airliners climb to high altitudes to travel through less dense air in order to create a similar effect at ground level.
Hyperloop encloses the capsules in a reduced-pressure tube, effectively allowing the trains to travel at airplane speeds while still on the ground.
How do Hyperloop Capsules Work?
The Hyperloop capsules in Elon Musk’s model float above the tube’s surface on a set of 28 air-bearing skis, similar to the way that the puck floats just above the table on an air hockey game.
One major difference is that it is the pod not the track that generates the air cushion in order to keep the tube as simple and cheap as possible.
Other versions of Hyperloop use magnetic levitation rather than air skis to keep the passenger pods above the tracks.
The pod would get its initial velocity from an external linear electric motor, which would accelerate it to ‘high subsonic velocity’ and then give it a boost every 70 miles or so while the pod would coast along in near vacuum.
Each capsule could carry 28 passengers plus some luggage; another version of the pods could carry cargo and vehicles.
Pods would depart every two minutes.
How would Hyperloop get Power?
The pods will get their velocity from an external linear electric motor effectively a round induction motor roll flat.
The Hyperloop would be power by solar panels place on the top of the tube which would allow the system to generate more energy than it needs to run.
Difference between Hyperloop and High-Speed Trains?
Hyperloop is significantly better than high-speed rail.
The Hyperloop is lower cost and more energy efficient because the track doesn’t need to provide power to the pods continuously and also because the pods can leave every 30 seconds.
Hyperloop more like an on-demand service.
Hyperloop also potentially two or three times faster than even high-speed rail.
Cost of Hyperloop to build?
Most of the cost of the system lies in building the tube network and the overall cost of the tube, pillars, vacuum pumps, and stations was calculate at just over $4bn for the passenger version of Hyperloop.
What will be Feeling to Travel in a Hyperloop?
Hyperloop have warn that travelling in the tube might be an uncomfortable experience because of nausea-inducing acceleration, plus lateral G-force on bends in the route.
Journey via Hyperloop will feel about the same as riding in an elevator or a passenger plane.
How much Hyperloop Tickets Cost?
Elon Musk’s LA to San Francisco version offer tickets at just $20 but Virgin Hyperloop One is more vague on its plans.
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) said it expects “a profitable system with low ticket price projections”.
What is Hyperloop Success Rate?
Hyperloop Success Rate is huge multibillion dollar around Hyperloop.
The Hyperloop concept has been around for a long time but until now the technology has been lacking.
It’s possible that the technology may have just caught up with the concept.
There are many companies looking to be the first to deliver a working service but their optimistic timescales, these projects are still very much in the pilot and experimental stages.
If the technology is still in development that’s also very true of the business models to support it.
The success rate of Hyperloop will vary depending on the destinations, local economics, and geography.
Capacity is another issue.
It is not clear that Hyperloop can do a better job of moving a large number of people than other mass transit options.
People argue that lots of pods will be require to achieve the same passenger numbers as more traditional rail, which uses much bigger carriages.
And there are many engineering hurdles to overcome like building the tubes strong enough to deal with the stresses of carrying the high-speed pods, and finding energy and cost-efficient ways to keep them operating at low pressure.
Moving from a successful test to a full commercial deployment is a big success and passenger trials are still to come.
Hyperloop Make a Profit?
The companies building Hyperloop services argue that they are significantly cheaper to build than high-speed rail services.
Elon Musk’s Hyperloop Alpha paper claim his LA to San Francisco route could be built for one-tenth of the price of a high-speed rail alternative.
Other companies have said their services could be one-third to half the price of rail services and much faster.
Being cheaper to build should mean these services can become profitable quickly.
Who is building Hyperloop Services?
There are many companies working to turn the idea into reality, including startups and others that have been working on the idea for some time already.
Among them are Virgin Hyperloop One, HTT, TransPod, Arrivo, and many others.
Each is developing a slightly different set of technologies but the fundamental underlying idea remains the same.
In May, the Boring Company won a $48.6m contract to design and build the city of Las Vegas’ planned loop of underground tunnels for moving people in autonomous electric vehicles. The tunnel is expect to be operational by the end of the year.
What is Loop?
The use of tunnels for Hyperloops call Loop.
This is a high-speed underground public transportation system which sees passengers carried on autonomous electric ‘skates’ travelling at 125 to 150 miles per hour.
Electric skates will carry between eight and 16 passengers or a single passenger vehicle.
Passengers and vehicles would enter the pods at street level and then elevators would drop them down to the level of the Loop to continue the journey underground, bypassing street traffic.
The company is currently working on an initial test tunnel in Hawthorne and has submitted plans for a 6.5-mile proof-of-process tunnel which would run within the City of Los Angeles and Culver City.
There is no practical upper limit to the number of stations that can be built along the tunnel route, as stations can be as small as a single parking space because the service is access via lifts.
Each Loop ‘station’ is made up of a bank of elevators to transport the skates to and from ground level.
What is the Hyperloop Pod Competition?
In order to accelerate the development of functional prototypes and encourage student innovation, SpaceX announced the Hyperloop Pod Competition in 2015, which challenges university teams to design and build the best transport pod, judged by different criteria each time.
What’s Next for Hyperloop?
Hyperloop is a technology that its supporters at least and could have a huge impact.
Hyperloop could reduce air travel between big cities, boost economies and trade, and reduce the pressure on housing in cities by allowing commuters to live further away.
But none of this is anywhere near proven till now.
There are major technical and business hurdles that Hyperloop technologies will need to surmount before they can carry passengers in comfort through a pneumatic tube.
The next stage for Hyperloop is to move beyond initial testing and feasibility studies, start longer distance trials of the technology and, even more importantly, testing the service with passengers.
Other challenge will be to find commercial models that work around the world.
Only when all this is done will it become clear whether Hyperloop can really become a success.