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    Thursday, September 12, 2024

      UFO Euphoria has Returned : History of Unidentified Flying Objects

      Since the Pentagon admit last May that they have register at least 400 sightings of ‘unidentified flying objects’ in the United States since 2004, the public interest in this phenomenon has increase.

      50 years had pass since the last time the UFO issue was taken to Congress to be discuss, but in 2022 it was even more surprising, because the Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence in the US, Scott Bray, assure that UFO sightings are “frequent and continuing.”

      Other countries such as France, in 2007, or the United Kingdom, in 2011, declassified national files on UFOs.

      Japan even announce a new action protocol for its Army in the event of sightings in 2020.

      History of UFO’s

      If we go back in time, there are many moments surrounding the UFO phenomenon that made history.

      • The first record sighting of a UFO dates back to June 24, 1947. The American pilot Kenneth Arnold contemplate what could be consider the first UFO sighting. Although there are previous references of similar cases, this one was highly publicize and comment on. According to Kenneth Arnold, while looking for a missing aircraft, he watch, in the sky of Mount Rainier (Washington), no less than nine objects flying together in a line, and with abnormal movements. He describe them as “extremely bright objects”, with an “erratic flight” that moved at “tremendous speed”.
      • It is from this case that the myth of the oval-shaped UFO came to be, and the term “flying saucer” started being use, since, in his own words, “they flew erratically, like a saucer thrown into the water” .
      • Others go much further back in time, to Chile, in South America, where many cases are remember. On November 19, 1822, the writer Maria Graham recount in her book ‘Diary of my residence in Chile’ having seen a series of strange lights over the sea.
      • On 3rd December, 1853, the co-founder of Puerto Montt (Chile), Commander Buenaventura Martínez Díaz, witness an object that he said “cross the clouds in the form of a spark.”
      • And on 15th May, 1861, the Chilean newspaper La Esperanza recount the days of terror that the citizens of the city of Talca experience, not because of a UFO, but because of the presence of a being that seem to be from another world.
      • In those Chilean precedents, the ones that stand out the most are “three inexplicable aerial phenomena” that the newspaper El Constituente echoed in March, July and November 1868 in Copiacó, a city in which, many years later, in 2013, another sighting was report.
      • Since then, there have thousands of report UFO sightings, whether by members of the arm forces of different countries, aircraft pilots or ordinary people. Sightings that in  many cases have a scientific explanation, but that, in others, remain disturbingly enigmatic.
      • From 1948 to 1969, Project Blue Book, a government initiative to investigate UFOs as a possible threat to national security, was launch in the United States. All this, at a time when the Air Force reported 12,618 sightings, of which 701 remain unidentified today.
      • Project Blue Book was close in 1969 due to the high cost it involved. The summary of its investigations was that the UFOs didn’t pose a threat to national security and that there was no evidence indicating that they were extraterrestrial vehicles, nor technological developments beyond the range of modern science.
      • In 1947, the same year that Kenneth Arnold’s sighting took place, one of the most mythologize events within the UFO phenomenon also happen: the Roswell Incident. An unidentified flying object crash in a field in this New Mexico city, and immediately follow by an encounter with aliens.
      • The US government try to settle the Roswell incident by claiming that it was a weather balloon and not a flying saucer, as many initially claim. According to a CNN poll publish in 1997, almost two-thirds of Americans still think that it was a UFO that crash there.
      • There were alleged witnesses who state then that they had seen how the military had remove the unidentified object and the bodies of the extraterrestrials from the area of the incident. Nevertheless, there was no real evidence.
      • Roswell lives off of tourism from UFO and alien lovers of the world who continue to search for answers. They even have a very visited ‘UFO Museum’.
      • And if Roswell has some myth within the UFO phenomenon, what about Area 51, that space of land in the middle of the Nevada desert, in which many believe the US government is hiding both UFOs and alien bodies.
      • In 2013, the CIA declassified documents in which it was officially recognize that Area 51 was a secret military base where nothing alien was hidden, but rather it was use to test the U-2 and OXCART aerial surveillance programs against the Soviets during the Cold War.
      • Seven former members of the United States Air Force made claims in 2010 in which they affirm that they spot UFO sightings near nuclear weapons facilities between the 1960s and 1980s.
      • In reference to one of the UFOs that were sight, Robert Salas, a former Air Force captain said: “Our missiles began to enter what is called a no-activity condition; they could not be launched. Basically, they deactivate while this object was around us.
      • Ufologist Robert Hastings, who was in charge of organizing the press conference where those sightings were report, said: “These gentlemen believe that the planet is being visit by beings from another world, who are interested the history of nuclear weapons that began at the end of World War II.
      • On 20th May 20, 1957, according to The Times newspaper, two American pilots were order to take down a UFO that was hovering over the English countryside. Army veterans.
      • According to Milton Torres (one of the pilots involve), the object was “moving erratically.” In addition, it had a size like that of “a flying aircraft carrier” and “was suspend in the air for many moments before disappearing at an estimate speed of 12,000 kilometers per hour.”
      • Its name is that of a small village on the Nova Scotia peninsula in Canada, where on 4th October, 1967, a group of fishermen saw a luminous object that end up crashing in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. At first it was thought that it was a plane, but they never found any remains.
      • Corporal Armando Valdés’ case made the Chilean Ufology notice at the global level. The UFO encounter was witness by Armando along with seven other soldiers in 1977. They saw strange lights in the sky and then Armando vanished for 15 minutes.
      • In an interview with Agence France Presse in November 1978, Armando said that he took six or seven steps away from the group, heading towards the light, and he had no idea what happened after that. He said: “Something was attracting me. It was like an internal communication with the light.
      • Corporal Armando, who had shave the day before, had beards of five to six days. Besides, his wristwatch calendar show 30th April instead of 26, and the clock was 15 minutes behind.
      • On 27th September, 1989, TASS news agency report that boys playing football in a city park in Voronezh, Russia, saw a pink glow in the sky, a deep red ball that hover, and a three-eyed alien. Although kids were the only witnesses, a police officer report seeing “a body flying in the sky.”
      • The Phoenix Lights (sometimes call as the were a series of widely sight UFOs observe in the skies over Arizona, Nevada and the Mexican state of Sonora on 13th March, 1997. Lights of varying descriptions were sight by thousands of people.
      • Fife Symington, former governor of Arizona and Air Force officer stated on CNN: “I witness a huge delta-shaped ship silently sailing over Squaw Peak, a mountain range in Phoenix. It was really impressive. I was absolutely stunn because I was turning west looking for the distant Phoenix Lights.
      • In 2007, the Chilean Army reveale at a meeting of ufologists held in Viña del Mar, that some of its pilots had made UFO sightings, which Captain Rodrigo Bravo describe, according to the news agency EFE, as “spectacular experiences in different places.”
      • In 2010, through the BBC and echoing some reports made public by the Ministry of Defense, it was reveale that British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered to keep alleged UFO sightings by the Air Force hidden for fifty years so as not to cause panic among the population.
      • Scientist Nick Pope told the BBC that “Churchill and Eisenhower decide to hide the extraordinary sightings UFOs” and note that “most of the archival material from the 1950s was destroy.”
      • Oumuamua was a mysterious object that pass through the Solar System in 2017 and was discover and followed by many telescopes for three days until it disappear. It provoke a great debate among the scientific community. Most assure that it was a rare asteroid or comet, but there were those who claim that it was perhaps a huge alien ship.
      • According to the calculations made, Oumuamua had a length of about 400 meters by 40 meters wide and had a reddish surface, but what was most surprising was that its trajectory was not linear, but rather chaotic, rotating very quickly and with very pronounce changes of direction.
      • Astronomers Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb, state that they believe Oumuamua may be a fully operational probe intentionally sent into the vicinity of Earth by an alien civilization.
      • In fact, Loeb is a great defender that Oumuamua is the first object discover in the Solar System that originate outside the same, and recall in an interview with the BBC that it has unusual characteristics that make it a rare object never before seen.
      • The latest alleged sightings occurred and grew exponentially during the months of confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Suddenly, according to the testimonies that spread through social networks with photos and videos, the skies were fill with UFOs.
      • To name a few historic sightings around the world, there’s the Antarctica sighting in 1965; the Tehran UFO incident of 1976; those of Manises in 1979, Canarias (1976-1979) and Ochate (1981), in Spain; the Colares incident in Brazil, in 1977, among others.
      • The Republican candidate for Congress in Miami, Bettina Rodríguez, said she was abduct by aliens in 2009. The Argentinean artist Andrés Calamaro, also assure that he saw a UFO in the 80s, when he was in the middle of a music tour with his group Los Plateros.
      ALSO READ  US Navy will not Release UFO Videos Citing 'National Security' | Details Inside

      The UFO phenomenon is still very attractive and contains, as all governments admit, mysteries.

      A lot of these incidents don’t have a scientific explanation, although this may be due to not having all the data.

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