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    Sunday, May 5, 2024

      Endangered Foods that May Soon Disappear from Earth

      You all must heard of endangered species but did you know there is such a thing as endanger foods also. Yes right! Delicious foods such as chocolate, potato chips, and even wine may very well be gone soon, and it is all due to climate change. 

      List of Endangered Foods


      As per ecologists and economists, the world’s oceans will be empty of fish by 2048 due to overfishing, pollution, habitat loss, and of course, climate change.


      Apple trees are being affect by global warming.

      They need a certain amount of winter chill, which is no longer as feasible due to the rising temperatures.


      A third of chicken breeds are on the verge of extinction due to climate change and diseases.


      There is a high possibility that wine production will drop 85% in the next 50 years.

      Fine wine regions such as Napa and Sonoma are becoming too hot for proper production.


      This fruit is endangered, particularly in the USA.

      More than 95% of strawberry supply is coming out of Florida and California.

      Like wine, hotter-than-usual weather in these states may impede production, and cause price increases.


      There is a huge infection coming after this beloved fruit and it’s called huanglongbing (or citrus greening disease).

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      Discover in 2005, the disorder causes citrus trees to turn fruit sour.

      There is no cure once a tree is infect by the disease.


      This fruit is also being attack by a disease called Tropical Race 4 which has destroy plantations in South Asia, Australia, Africa, and the Middle East.


      The spicy sauce is exclusively made from Tabasco peppers, which are process in Louisiana, USA.

      But rising water levels are threatening the state, along with Tabasco peppers, and Tabasco sauce production.


      After rice and wheat, potatoes are the third most important food crop in the world.

      Climate change is affecting potato agriculture as well.


      Even a rise in temperature of just 1ºC (1.8ºF) can slow the growth rate of maize by 7% Climate change has already begun to affect production.

      Around the world, corn production has decreased by close to 4%.


      Rising temperatures have even affect the growth and production of cherries.

      Warm spells as early as February have wiped out entire crops in the USA.


      Peaches are stone fruit that are vulnerable to radically changing temperatures.


      Bees are a pest, we can all agree.

      But they are the producers of honey! With the bee population in decline, we may soon have to get used to a world without the sweet stuff.


      Bees also pollinate fruits like cranberries so a decline in the population puts cranberries, among many other foods, in jeopardy.


      It takes an estimated 608.6 gallons of water to produce just eight ounces of chickpeas.

      Droughts around the world have drastically reduce the production of chickpeas by 40-50%.

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      We have a little over a decade left with the delicious treat.

      According to a study by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, cocoa production will decrease dramatically by 2030 due to the less than ideal temperatures in cacao-growing regions.


      Extreme weather and climate change is heavily affecting yields of pumpkin crops.

      They’ll either rot or premature.


      Beans are another food staple we may soon have to do without.

      Climate change and increasing temperatures may decrease yields by as much as 25%.


      Researches say that if we don’t reduce our emissions, global warming will cause soybean crops (the most economically important beans on the planet) to decrease 40% by 2100.


      In the US, this fruit is becoming increasingly difficult to grow, and it is expensive.

      80% of avocados are grown in California where there is a drought.


      Entire peanut crops have been destroy by extreme weather such as heat waves and droughts.

      Scientists believe this is one food that will become extinct sooner than we think.


      Rice is a food staple in many cultures and cuisines around the world.

      But, climate change is also expect to greatly affect yields.


      Climate change and severe storms are causing turkeys to die, and decline in numbers.

      Cereal Grains

      The volatile and unpredictable weather will have an affect on grain-growing croplands and even render them obsolete.

      Italian Durum Wheat

      The production of durum wheat, especially in Italy, is being threaten by warm temperatures and droughts.

      It is predicted that by 2020 wheat yields will begin to decline.

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      Wheat in general may not survive the catastrophic climate changes so start prepping for a life without your favorite carb.


      Water shortages cause by global warming are having an impact on the cool refreshment.

      Between 2030 and 2050, accessing freshwater will become rather difficult.

      Maple Syrup

      The maple syrup industry is in danger because the maple tree is.

      The trees are stress to the point of decline, as per National Geographic, and rising temperatures are the reasons.


      By 2080 some other predictions put it as early as 2050, lands use to grow coffee will have become completely unsuitable due to climate change.


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