Doctors at Narayana Health, one of the leading multispecialty hospitals in Bengaluru, performed a unique robotic-assisted surgery to save a 60-year-old woman who had a complicated tumour in the pancreas.
The surgery was led by Dr. Ashwinikumar Kudari, a renowned Robotic Surgeon and Surgical Gastroenterologist, with the help of one of the new-age robotic-assisted surgery systems, the da Vinci by Intuitive.
Dr. Jayant Mulchandani and Dr. Mohammed Shies Sadat were also a part of the expert team who carried out this surgery.
The patient arrived at Narayana Health Hospital with severe abdominal pain, and previous Contrast MRI revealed a periampullary tumor in her pancreas, raising concerns about the potential need for a complicated Whipple procedure.
The PET CT scan performed at NH also suggested a likely malignant lesion.
But, as there was no direct evidence of malignancy, Dr. Kudari decided to perform a robotic-assisted ampullectomy followed by a frozen biopsy to confirm whether it was malignant or not.
The result of frozen biopsy came within 30 minutes, displaying a rare Intra ampullary papillary tubular neoplasm with no dysplasi or invasive malignancy.
Based on this diagnosis, Dr. Kudari and his team decided to go ahead with robotic-assisted ampullectomy, avoiding the complex Whipple procedure that has a very high morbidity and about 5% mortality rate.
Dr. Ashwinikumar Kudari, who led this procedure, said :
While expressing the excitement about the successful procedure, Dr. Jayant Mulchandani said :
Commenting on her fast recovery Mrs. Sheetal Kumari (name changed), the patient, expressed her gratitude for the successful surgery, saying :
The surgery was a success and the patient is recovering well.
With the highest number of Robotic Pancreatic surgeries in Karnataka, this team of doctors have profound experience in Robotic Pancreatic procedures and minimally invasive gastrointestinal surgeries, and is committed to further expand the application of Robot assisted surgery.